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What does ISO mean?
ISO is an abbreviation of the International Organization for Standardization.
Standards from the ISO 9000 series
Standards from the ISO 9000 seriesThe ISO 9001 Quality Management System Group consists of three international standards:
•ISO 9000: 2015 - contains the principles and basic concepts of quality management, describes the contents of the series of standards and contains a list of terms and their meaning in their use.
•ISO 9001: 2015 - defines the requirements for certification of quality management systems. Certificates issued under the previous version of this standard (ISO 9001: 2008) are valid until September 15, 2018.
•ISO 9004: 2009 - Manual to Improvements to Quality Management Systems
•ISO 9001 is the most popular and widespread international standard and applies worldwide. ISO 9001 is applicable to all areas of business and businesses - from start-ups to international corporations.Advantages:
The main advantages of the Quality Management System certification in accordance with ISO 9001 are:
•Improve your market position and create competitive advantages
•Improve the efficiency of your business
•Reduce errors and complaints
•Improving the work with suppliers
•Improve processes and customer focus in your business
•Increase the confidence of your customers
•Significant cost savings
•Improving the organization of the work of all company personnelThe main objectives of ISO 9001 are:
•Give a systematic approach to increasing customer satisfaction.
•Create capabilities and capabilities to deliver products and services that meet customer requirements, regulatory documents, and supervisors.
ISO 9001 is based on the following basic principles that are the guarantor of successful organization and operation:
•customer focus;
•Involvement of staff;;
•Process approach;
•making evidence-based decisions;
•relationship management.
How does the organization receive a certificate of compliance with ISO 9001?
The certificate of compliance with ISO 9001 is issued by an independent accredited organization with positive audit findings.
ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
Environmental Management System ISO 14001 is a model of management system based on the principle of continuous improvement. It meets the requirements of ISO 14001, which requires the involvement of all employees at all levels of organization, especially senior management. The essence of the system is to identify the environmental aspects as well as the legislative and other requirements that apply to these aspects and the appropriate management of these aspects. The main objective of the ISO 14001 standard is to support environmental protection and pollution prevention in a way that takes into account the socio-economic needs of the business.
What is ISO 14001?
The ISO 14001 standard is for all organizations, regardless of their type and size. This standard can be used by any organization that aims to:
to create, implement and maintain an environmental management system to act in accordance with its established environmental policy to demonstrate compliance with the standards by self-assessment and self-assessment declaration, as well as through confirmation from third parties - including accredited certification bodies.Advantages:
The main advantages of certification in accordance with ISO 14001 are:
•potential savings and reduction in energy and raw materials consumption
•Reduction of waste disposal costs.
•Lower fees related to the use of natural resources
•Lower insurance prices stemming from the reduction in risk
•Improving management of the organization (planning, setting goals and objectives and programs)
• reducing the harmful impact on the environment
•Structured way of making information and communication
•Increased trust of stakeholders
•Regular internal audits and third party audits to quickly detect weaknesses
•Avoiding trials (eg in terms of environmental damage, accidents)
How the organization will receive a certificate of compliance with ISO 14001?
The certificate of compliance with ISO 14001 is issued by an independent accredited organization with positive audit conclusions
What is ISO 45001:2018?
ISO 45001:2018 is a standard that defines the requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to enable any organization to manage occupational health and safety risks and improve its performance in this area. A key focus of the standard is the continuous identification of hazards, assessment and management of risks, with the aim of reducing the possibility of occupational health and safety incidents.
ISO 45001:2018 is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size or scope of activity that wishes to reduce or completely eliminate risks related to health and safety at work for its staff and other external stakeholders. Key benefits of certification in compliance with ISO 45001:2018
Certification of your implemented occupational safety management system to ISO 45001:2018 enables you to:
- To increase the awareness and motivation of your employees for workplace safety;
- To ensure that you comply with legal and other occupational health and safety requirements; •To prevent incidents and work accidents;
- To minimize accidents, downtimes and production interruptions;
- Reduce insurance costs;
- To improve your reputation as a safe and reliable business partner in front of customers, suppliers, institutions and investors.
How the organization will obtain a certificate of compliance with the ISO 45001:2018 standard:
The certificate of compliance with the ISO 45001:2018 standard is issued by an independent, accredited organization upon positive conclusions from an audit.
***Important information for all customers regarding ISO 27001***
The standards from the 27000 family
The 27000 series of standards began life in 1995 as BS 7799 and were written by the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The standards are correctly titled "ISO/IEC" because they are jointly developed and maintained by two international standards bodies: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). For simplicity, however, in everyday use the "IEC" part is often dropped. There are currently 45 published standards in the ISO 27000 series. Of these, ISO 27001 is the only standard intended for certification. All other standards provide guidance on the implementation of good practices. Some of these provide guidance on how to develop an Information Security Management System (ISMS) for specific industries, and others provide guidance on how to implement key processes and controls to manage information security risk.
What is ISO/IEC 27001:2022?
Most businesses own or have access to valuable or sensitive information. Failure to ensure adequate protection of such information can have serious operational, financial and legal consequences. In some cases, they can lead to complete business failure.
The challenge most businesses struggle with is how to ensure adequate protection of such information. In particular, how do they ensure that they have identified all the risks they are exposed to and how can they manage them in a way that is balanced, sustainable and cost-effective?
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is the current version of the internationally recognized certification standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It provides a robust information protection framework that can be adapted to all types and sizes of organizations. Organizations that are exposed to significant information security risks are increasingly choosing to implement an ISMS that complies with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.
Key benefits of certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Information security is becoming more and more important for organizations, and therefore the implementation and certification of an ISMS according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard is becoming more and more common. Most organizations recognize that it is not a matter of if they will be affected by an information security breach, but when. Implementing an ISMS and obtaining ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification is a serious and large-scale undertaking for most organizations. However, if done effectively, there are significant benefits to organizations that rely on protecting valuable and/or sensitive information. These benefits generally fall into three areas:
Having an independent third-party endorsement of the ISMS can provide an organization with a competitive advantage or enable it to "catch up" with its competitors. Customers who are exposed to significant information security risks are increasingly requiring ISO 27001 certification when bidding. Where the customer is also ISO 27001 certified, in the medium term they will choose to work only with suppliers whose information security controls they trust and who can meet their contractual requirements. For organizations that want to work with this type of customer, having ISO 27001 certification is a key requirement to maintain and increase their commercial revenue.
In general, ISMS's ISO 27001 certification supports the development of an internal culture that is alert to information security risks and has a consistent approach to addressing them. This consistency results in controls that are more robust in dealing with threats. The costs of implementing and maintaining them are also kept to a minimum, and in case of failure, the consequences will be minimized and more effectively mitigated.
Many organizations have information that is essential to their operations, vital to maintaining their competitive advantage, or an intrinsic part of their financial value. Having a robust and effective ISMS allows business owners and managers responsible for risk management to sleep better at night, knowing they are not at risk of heavy fines, major business disruptions or significant reputational hits. In today's knowledge-based economy, almost all organizations rely on the security of master information. The operation of ISMS is a proven method of providing such security. Applying the requirements of ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized best practice framework and compliance can be independently verified to enhance the organization's image and give confidence to its customers.
How the organization will obtain a certificate of compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard?
The certificate of compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard is issued by an independent, accredited organization upon positive conclusions from an audit.